داستان آبیدیک

metatarsal bone


1 عمومی:: استخوان متاتارس، استخوان کف پا

A large bony spur with well-defined contour is present at the dor-soproximal margin of the third metatarsal bone (white arrow). Fig. 22.46 Dorsopalmar radiographs of two foals, 4-weeks-old and 2-weeks-old, with hematogenous osteomyelitis of tarsal and metatarsal bones and tibiotarsal septic arthritis. B, A radiolucent area with irregular margins is visible in the lateral plantar aspect of the third metatarsal bone. A, There is thickening of the proximal plantar cortex of the right third metatarsal bone because of endosteal sclerosis (white arrows). B, The normal left third metatarsal bone has a normal plantar cortex, which decreases slightly in thickness in a distoproximal direction.،The forefoot contains your toes (phalanges) and their five corresponding metatarsal bones. The metatarsal bones of the foot are numbered 1-5 from the inside of the foot towards the outside. First metatarsal, the shortest and widest of the metatarsal bones, it is also the strongest. Second metatarsal, this is the longest of the metatarsal bones prolonged backward and held firmly in the recess formed by the three cuneiform bones. The second metatarsal bone articulates with the intermediate cuneiform bone, medial cuneiform bone, the third metatarsal and the lateral cuneiform.

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